UDREAM: Lerner Student Support Services
Support underrepresented, first-generation undergraduate students in the Lerner College.

About this Project

UDREAM (“U” Develop Resources for Excellence in Academic Management) provides academic support services to underrepresented, first-generation and Pell Grant eligible undergraduate students in the Lerner College of Business and Economics.

Donor Impact: How your support makes a difference!

Your gift will help support UDREAM efforts of assisting freshmen students transition from high school through matriculation at the University of Delaware at the Lerner College of Business and Economics. UDREAM provides academic coaching and peer mentor support for select freshmen students. These funds will help support scholarship, academic and leadership workshops and on-going tutoring efforts.

Help US build UDREAM's impact and reach. We appreciate all your support.

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Or you can contact us at henfunder@udel.edu.