Delaware Diplomats Study Abroad
Support scholarships for the Delaware Diplomats Scholarship Program through CGPS.

About this Project

The Delaware Diplomats Scholarship Program was founded in 2014 as a means of increasing access to UD study abroad for all members of the University community and to reward students for their engagement with the world on UD’s campus. 

UD students who are actively planning and preparing for a global education experience can join the Delaware Diplomats program and earn up to $1,500 in awards towards future study abroad. Students who apply to the Diplomats program are often drawn by the financial benefits, which are credited to their student accounts when they commit to a study abroad program. However, many find that in addition to helping cover program costs, being a Delaware Diplomat offers many opportunities to develop a global mindset and better prepare for their time abroad. 

Scout-style, this program is structured around three badges: the Intercultural Friendship badge, the World Knowledge badge and the Study Abroad Preparation badge—each worth $500. Eligible activities range from attending and reflecting on a guest lecture or International Coffee Hour, mentoring an international student or even simply creating a packing list for their trip. Students who complete the entire program earn a total of $1,500 toward their study abroad program. Learn more about the program.

Donor Impact: How your support makes a difference!

The Delaware Diplomats Scholarship Program continues to grow, with more than 100 students applying every semester. To date, the Delaware Diplomats program has supported over 400 students and granted more than $350,000 to help fund their study abroad dreams. Your donation of any size will help us support even more students this year.

Gifts will be designated as scholarship support in the Center for Global Programs and Services (CGPS). CGPS will direct funding to the Delaware Diplomats program.

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