University of Delaware Writing Center
Fund undergraduate writing center tutors' travel to national writing center conferences.

About this Project

As part of their work as tutors, undergraduate Writing Tutors conduct original human subjects research about student writing and student use of the writing center. Findings from tutors’ research projects help shape how the University of Delaware Writing Center supports student writers from across the disciplines at UD. In past years, undergraduate tutor research projects have helped us recruit a more diverse tutoring staff, develop tutoring strategies to reduce writing anxiety, redesign our physical spaces, improve our support of students with learning disabilities and much more!   

Our undergraduate writing tutors’ knowledge is valuable beyond our institution; the UD Writing Center has a proud history of sending writing tutors to academic conferences in order to share their research and learn from writing center tutors and professional scholars from around the world. Undergraduates who have been able to attend and present at regional and national writing center conferences report gaining a stronger agency in their work as tutors, confidence in their research skills and pride in their professionalism. To have published scholars listen to and applaud our undergraduate researchers’ contributions to the field of writing center studies is a transformative experience. Tutor alumni have shared that the experience has helped them gain the confidence and presentation skills needed to take on leadership roles after they leave UD. In the international community of writing center scholars, UD undergraduate tutors have a history of being respected for the high quality, inclusivity-focused research they produce.  

The UD Writing Center is committed to continuing this tradition of sharing our excellent undergraduate tutor research at academic conferences. However, budget tightening across all departments and programs at the University of Delaware has meant that we no longer have the internal funds to send tutors to conferences. Without donor support, our tutors will not be able to continue to engage in this experience that both transforms them and transforms what writing centers nationwide know about supporting student writers. 

Donor Impact: How your support makes a difference!

To attend and present at a regional conference typically costs around $300 per tutor. To attend and present at a national or international conference typically costs around $800-$1,000 per tutor. Your contribution of any amount will help us reach the goal of sending at least six tutors to regional conferences and three tutors to national conferences every year. The tutors you help fund will increase their own academic and professional credentials, share valuable knowledge with the writing center community and bring back to UD insights into writing center work that improve how our writing center supports UD student writers. 

Gifts may also provide general support for the Writing Center.

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