Animal Science Club
Send Animal Science Club members to conferences that will further their professional development.

About this Project

Animal Science Club regularly attends Northeast Student Affiliate (NESA), a regional competition with other colleges and universities that tests participants’ livestock knowledge. In the past, we have also attended National Block & Bridle (of which we are an affiliate club) annual conferences, though not for many years. This year, we’re aiming to once again be able to send members to this event. With the help of one of our co-advisors, Dr. Gaab, we are also hoping to attend this year’s Animal Welfare Assessment Competition. As you can imagine, these opportunities can be costly, but provide extremely valuable and enriching experiences for our members to further their professional development and industry knowledge.

Donor Impact: How your support makes a difference!

Each of these conferences/competitions requires substantial funds for travel, lodging and registration. The members that participate are asked to contribute a portion of their individual cost, but as a club, we try to fundraise to cover most of the expenses. Your gift would go directly towards making these opportunities an accessible reality to as many members as possible. Gifts may also provide general support for the Animal Science Club. We know we have big goals for this year, which is why we kindly ask for your support in assisting us with meeting them!

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